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Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27 - Wyoming

After a night of camping at the city park in Weldin, CO (where the mosquitos were awful...had to stay zipped in the tent, and could see them swarming all over the outside of the tent), we started out this morning headed to the Wyoming border.

We crossed the border before noon, and have found rather dry, sagebrush, desert-like plains.  Strange how the landscape changes so quickly, but it has not been hot.  Indeed, it was down into the 30s last night.
We saw a herd of antelope on the ride today - as well as a animal skeleton, kind of creepy looking (I think it was either a deer or a small horse maybe)y.   Anyway, tonight we find ourselves resting comfortably in Saratoga, Wyoming.

Small Herd of antelope

Woo Hoo Wyoming!

We see so many of these types of places!

Hmm...well at least I've done better than this on my trail ride!


  1. Hi Jeff --

    Saw you at the rest stop this afternoon in the middle of nowhere, Wyoming. Can't help but think of the beginning of the Irish blessing:
    May the road rise up to meet you,
    May the wind always be at your back,
    May the sun shine warm upon your face...

    Sorry to hear of your loss, but best of luck as you climb west!

  2. Fantastic skeleton photo. Jewel
